1. Pay off an extra €10,000 on the mortgage
2. Finish doors in the living room (there aren't any...)
3. Clear out the spare bedroom
4. Read 20 fun books
5. Read 10 work-related books
6. Create a €1,000 emergency fund (Dave Ramsey)
8. Throw/give/bring away 365 things
11. Write 300 blogs
12. Go to the gym/sports lessons 150 times
13. Learn something new (crocheting?)
15. Make my own pasta (without machine, since I don't have that one)
16. Clean out garage
17. Make my own handsoap
18. Send out Christmas cards in time
19. Visit family/friends spontaneously (at least 3 times)
20. Knit something I can use
21. Bake my own bread (I can use the machine for that)
22. Make a list of gift ideas for friends/family
24. Plant flowers
25. Measure the power consumption of devices I use most often and take action
26. Create a candle in a pot
28. Stick to groceries budget (€160/month for two)
30. Put spots in the hallway
32. Write 12 updates on the goals
35. Clear out basement
36. Stick to phone plan at least 10x
37. Finish 2011 (businesswise) at the end of February
38. Finish a challenging DIY project (something with glass or renovating a chair)
39. Clear out cable clutter in office
40. Make 5 fun trips
41. Make my own wooden desk
42. Get something to reuse rainwater
43. Finish/sell/give away Psychology course
44. Follow (and finish) a course, can be on anything
45. Sleep over €100+ purchases
46. Dress for work, even if I work at home
48. Visit beautician max. 6 times this year
49. Visit pedicure max. 6 times this year
50. Bake cookies
51. Save emergency fund for one month in joint account
52. Save emergency fund for 6 months in business account
What are your goals for 2012? Please share the link and I will put it here, to inspire other bloggers!