woensdag 4 januari 2012

First setback of 2012

This morning, I wanted to get some cookies from the basement (which is in the kitchen, we keep most of our food there). I was glad I never go in there when it's still dark, since the place was flooded. We've had so much rain in the last few weeks, that the level of underground water has risen. I called the office responsible for underground water, but they are so busy at the moment, that they couldn't say when they would be able to get here. So I spent most of my day getting water out, using a scoop and a bucket. Approximately 100 litres down the road, the basement started to look a little drier. Hopefully it stays that way...

Fortunately, not all was bad today. I did manage to stick to my groceries budget. I made a nice vegetable soup which will feed us for at least two, but maybe three days. That means cheap, healthy and fast dinners :-) I was allowed to spend €40 this week on groceries, I've spent €13 up until now, and I think I'll probably have to spend another €7 before the week is over, since we'll have guests this weekend. I will make cookies myself, but want to get some buns (mine are more like stones) and maybe something extra to eat on bread.

How was your day?

2 opmerkingen:

  1. That stinks about all of the water and flooding!

  2. That's a scary thing to happen! Hope you're not waiting too long for it to be sorted out. Well done on sticking to your groceries budget though!

    K xx


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