I'm a 27-year old, living in the Netherlands. Me and my boyfriend live in a nice farmlike house and we have quite some animals, including cats, rabbits, pigs and mice (cats are very lazy).
I've always been a saver, not that I had massive amounts of money in my account, but if I needed to, I was always able to save. I wish I'd done that more often, since we're now living in a home that is even for us quite expensive. Halfway around 2010, I stumbled into the world of blogging/personal finance/frugal living/simplicity and found myself a new hobby. In that same year, I started a Dutch blog, which helped me connect with many fellow bloggers. In 2012, I also started an English blog, since I love to share my ideas/thoughts/questions with not just Dutch readers, but also people from other countries.
My main goal at the moment is paying off our mortgage early, but that has proven to be not easy. Sometimes life just gets in the way and it is up to me to find a way around that. Sometimes that's easy, and just as many other times it's quite hard. Fortunately, I'm lucky enough to be able to share my ups and downs with fellow bloggers, which motivates me enormously and has gotten me further in one year, than in the previous 5.
I hope you enjoy reading this blog. If you have any questions, please let me know at lekkerlevenmetminder at gmail.com!