
There's just a small roadblock on the way to becoming financially independent. Our mortgage. I think it's massive and would like to get rid of it as soon as possible. However, since I am renovating and it is such a massive mortgage, there's isn't much money left for paying off.

The current state of affairs:

I started out with a mortgage of €412,188 in 2009. At that time, I was we, and we had a double (sometimes even triple) income. Since 2010, I have been making small payments towards the mortgage. When my ex and I broke up, I decided to take over the house, and mortgage. At the moment, the total amount owed to the bank is a little over €366,000. Still quite a lot. Therefore, I am trying to pay it off as soon as possible, while still doing some renovation work.

How am I trying to get that much money?
- I try to get by on as little as possible, so everything can go towards the mortgage. I do try to save a little, for unexpected things.
- I earn a little extra via Adsense and some affiliate programs, everything earned there goes directly towards paying off the mortgage. And I hope to turn this 'little' into quite a lot this year, since I will be focusing more on expanding my English blog (I also have a Dutch one) and doing more with affiliate programs and advertorials.
- Every bonus is also going towards the mortgage.

Of course, the first and last are ideally. Quite often something comes up (and not just wants, but real needs), which makes it impossible to save extra :(
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