I've tried a bit of zero-based-budgetting this month, and I'm very pleased to say that it works! Usually, if I received for example a payment of 90 euro's, I would put some money towards savings, and keep the rest in my account. Usually, that meant that it would go somewhere, I'd use it on groceries or whatever. Now, I first checked the amount, then I decided how much I wanted to put in several savings accounts. The outcome had to be 0, so there wouldn't be any money left for mindless spending, unless I decided it was supposed to be used for that.
I've done this for three weeks now, and have been able to save much more than I usually do, even though I thought I was quite the saver already. I think it also helped that I combined this with sticking with my grocery budget. Anyway, I will continue using this method next month, looking forward to the results!
Have you ever tried zero-based-budgetting?
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